Social media campaign "Together"

Save the Children, with funding from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been implementing a project to promote inclusive education throughout primary and lower secondary schools in Mongolia since 2021. To improve the knowledge and understanding of parents, community, and school staff about inclusive education and to promote an inclusive culture, Save the Children organized the social media-based awareness campaign "Together" in February 2022.

The campaign distributed 5 success stories of project beneficiaries, 3 graphic posters, and 4 video stories, and cover images online to target audiences. A total of 2.9 million people (repeat counts) engaged with these various pieces of content promoting inclusive education. As a result of this month-long campaign, target audiences' knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to inclusive education improved, as indicated by the campaign's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) survey.

Results and achievements of the campaign 

  • The percentage of parents of children with special needs who have a good knowledge of people with special needs has increased by 13%.
  • 95% of parents of children with special needs surveyed agreed that equal participation of children with special needs in education would increase their participation in society 
  • The number of parents who do not have children with special educational needs and who self-assessed that "I know well about people with special educational needs" increased by 7% in the post-campaign survey.
  • The number of parents who would give their children information about people with special needs increased from 45% to 50%.
  • The number of parents who believe that children with special education needs should attend school with other children increased by 4%.
  • The percentage of parents who believe that teaching children with special needs together does not affect negatively their child's learning increased from 79% to 87%.

Please watch the 2022 Together social media campaign videos, visit here