Sharing the new knowledge and skills with other doctors and practitioners from our province
I am now certified to facilitate training on “Clinical Management and Oxygen Therapy for COVID-19 cases at Primary Level Health Care Settings” after attending the training organized as part of the project "Technical Assistance to Strengthen the Covid-19 Response in Mongolia under Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC)". This project has been implemented by Save the Children, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and administered by FHI 360 (Family Health International) since January 2022.
The benefit I got from the training was not only limited to new professional skills; it also sparked ideas and insights that I can use in my work. Another important thing that I appreciated was the that participants were provided with handbooks used in international practice. Operational guidelines and instructions were developed as an integral part of our hospital’s internal bylaw. I developed the regulation for our hospital together with my colleagues, and the operating procedure for a mechanical ventilator is attached to this internal bylaw.
I will provide further training to other soum doctors on the proper use of the oxygen cylinder, as they lack the skills and knowledge for oxygen therapy, triage of the patient, charging and safely transporting the oxygen cylinder.
In my opinion, training doctors from the aimag central hospitals was the right approach, enabling them to disseminate new knowledge and skills to soums. The trained doctors themselves need to reflect and improve on what they have acquired in order to effectively pass it on to others.
Doctors serving the soum communities get their advice and instruction from me in the form of telemedicine or face-to-face meetings. Doctors who work in soums mostly get advice and support from their central provincial hospitals rather than doctors or other practitioners at the university of medical science or capital city central hospitals.