I currently work for the province of Uvurkhangai's "UvLive" news site. The job of a TV announcer was my dream. When I saw announcers on the news, I used to fantasize about becoming one. I am making small, steady progress toward reaching my goal, and I have faith that I can further enhance my personal growth to achieve it.
The ESEL program provided new information and abilities that made it possible to have project ideation, planning, and writing for funding, implementation. It resulted in improvements for us. As an illustration, consider how the program has helped me grow personally.
I began the project with little knowledge and expertise in finance and project management, as well as understanding of my own and team members' psycho-emotional demands. Due to the latter, we encountered difficulties and miscommunication. Trainers greatly aided us in overcoming the obstacles. The project enabled each participant to gain experience and practice in public speaking, self-expression, and problem solving. Each class had a wrap-up session that aided in our discussion of benefits and drawbacks in terms of project implementation. The sessions assisted us in improving project proposals. We have gathered the necessary experience to present our project to an audience.
Ms. Khorolnyam, E with Mr. Enkh-Amgalan L., Minister for Education and Science, and a member of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia during an experience sharing meeting of Polytechnic colleges and TVET schools from the project's target provinces that took place on January 24, 2023 in Ulaanbaatar.
Ms. Khorolnyam E., a student at Uvurkhangai Polytechnic College, a graduate of ESEL program.
I am taking part in the implementation of ‘Dream party’ project that collaboratively initiated. In future, we will participate in other project funding opportunities at province level to upscale our project. I aim to have my own company too.
I am participating in the 'Dream party' project's implementation, which was jointly conceived. In the future, we will take part in further provincial project financing opportunities to upscale our project. I also want to start my own business and establish a company.
Dream big, Start small. But most of all, start. I appreciate Simon Sinek's remark. I believe that some people are unable to overcome their fear of doing things, but everyone has the ability to achieve things. I was not a courageous or self-assured person. I convinced myself that I was shy. However, in college and my new environment, I wished to gradually transform. This modest step served as my stepping stone to success.