O.Batkhuu: ESEL Training is A Great Opportunity for Teacher Development

Introducing O.Batkhuu, a dedicated young teacher who specializes in geography and civil ethics at the Ongon Soum Secondary School in Sukhbaatar Province. Since 2020, Batkhuu has actively engaged as a teacher consultant in the ESEL program, which is implemented as part of the "Entrepreneurship-Focused Socio-Emotional Skills for The Most Vulnerable Youth in Rural Mongolia" project. Batkhuu considers his participation in the program as a significant milestone in his professional journey.

O.Batkhuu, the ESEL facilitator is instructing students

When asked about the reasons behind becoming an ESEL teacher and counselor, Batkhuu explains, "I recognized the ESEL program as an incredible opportunity for my own personal growth as an educator and for enhancing the socioemotional and entrepreneurial skills of both my students and myself. This program offers numerous advantages to students, including emotional regulation, responsibility, and punctuality. Additionally, it motivates young individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 to cultivate a business mindset and embark on their career paths. As a teacher and counselor, I have expanded my professional capabilities by learning to better observe and address students' psychological well-being. All stakeholders involved in the program have experienced tangible benefits. While Mongolia's education system primarily focuses on knowledge acquisition, project-based learning allows students to apply their knowledge to their studies and everyday life."

Reflecting on the importance of guidance within the ESEL program, Batkhuu shares his experience conducting ESEL training in the fall of 2022 with a class of 24 students. He mentions how these trained students are now preparing to present their written project ideas in the project's spring small-scale funding competition, with hopes of securing financial support. For Batkhuu, it is a remarkable achievement to guide these students based on their learnings from the program and witness them transform their dreams into impactful projects that contribute to the local community. He finds it heartening to observe how ESEL students often develop a deep appreciation for the environment, utilizing waste materials for socially beneficial purposes and incorporating environmentally friendly practices into their project ideas.

Regarding the success of leading and guiding the LEADERS entrepreneur club, established by ESEL program graduates at his school, Batkhuu expresses his satisfaction. The club engages in various social activities aimed at both the student body and the wider community. By actively participating in club activities, Batkhuu gains valuable insights into the students' perspectives, enabling him to better understand their aspirations and desires. The students leverage their learnings from the ESEL program, seek guidance from their teachers and mentors, and showcase their projects to the community, thereby enhancing their presentation skills. As a result of these endeavors, Batkhuu witnesses a significant increase in student engagement not only in his geography and civic ethics classes but also in other activities. By acknowledging and catering to students' individual needs and interests, Batkhuu believes that forging closer connections with his students positively impacts the teaching and learning process. He finds inspiration in observing the project team mentor new ESEL graduates, fostering an environment of mutual learning and growth, and witnessing the students' enthusiasm as they come together to pursue their passions and goals.

Students of the ESEL program in Ongon soum during the pitch of their business project
Pitch event participants, 2022

In the 25 soums of Zavkhan, Uvurkhangai, Khovd, Govisumber, and Sukhbaatar provinces where the "Entrepreneurship-Focused Socio-Emotional Skills for The Most Vulnerable Youth in Rural Mongolia" project is being implemented, there are currently 415 teachers actively engaged as ESEL program teachers and counselors, including O. Batkhuu. These dedicated educators are fully committed to accumulating new knowledge and skills while effectively developing and guiding their students. O.Batkhuu stands as an example of the progress and achievements that can be accomplished by young teachers, serving as a true inspiration within Ongon Soum. The "Entrepreneurship-Focused Socio-Emotional Skills for The Most Vulnerable Youth in Rural Mongolia" project, funded by the Japan Social Development Fund, managed by the World Bank, and implemented by Save the Children, aims to create a profound impact on the educational landscape and equip vulnerable youth in rural Mongolia with essential skills for future employment. Through this initiative, young individuals are provided with valuable opportunities to develop their socio-emotional and entrepreneurial skills, empowering them to thrive in their personal and professional lives.