In 2019, the Humanitarian program implemented a dzud anticipation project for the first time in 7 soums of Bayan-Ulgii and Khovd provinces and carried out an impact assessment to evaluate its results. Based on the dzud risk map produced for Winter 2018/2019 by the meteorological agency, the early action project was implemented from December 2018 to February 2019 in 7 soums of Bayan-Ulgii and Khovd provinces that were identified as high-risk areas. The early action interventions reached 3,270 people, including 1,431 children and 2,173 adults.
As a result, 155,000 MNT of unconditional cash for household needs was transferred through bank accounts; 8 sacks of livestock fodder (wheat bran) and the Herders’ Booklet in Kazakh and Mongolian languages that provided information on child protection, health care and nurturing weak livestock were distributed to each of the 839 most vulnerable herder households, those with insufficient numbers of livestock to meet household needs.