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The Young Voices Group, supported by Save the Children, conducted this “Girls’ Voices” survey to find out girls’ views on the examination. The survey involved 370 girls in Grades 7-12 from general education schools as well as special education schools.


Young Voices - Survey Report Mongolia 2017

How children in Mongolia could have say about all matters that affect them, such as knowledge about their rights, bullying, school costs, safety in the streets and on the internet? How they see their future?


CRC 25-Anniversary flyer

CRC 25-Anniversary flyer


NGO's Report to the UN Committee 2015

NGOs supplementary report to the UN committee on the rights of the child in accordance to the fifth periodic report of the government of Mongolia


Children’s Report to the UN Committee 2015

NGOs supplementary report to the UN committee on the rights of the child in accordance to the fifth periodic report of the government of Mongolia


A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation. Booklet 1 Introduction

The toolkit is intended for use by practitioners and children working in participatory programmes, as well as by governments, NGOs, GOs, civil society and children’s organisations seeking to assess and strengthen children’s participation in their wider society.


A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation. Booklet 2

This booklet provides indicators and practical tools to help you measure the extent to which there is a respectful and supportive environment for children’s right to participation in your country or context. On page 3, we present 25 indicators (around structure, process and outcomes) that cover three categories: protecting the right to participate, promoting awareness of the right to participate, creating spaces for participation.


A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation. Booklet 3

This booklet describes why it is important to measure the scope, quality and outcomes of participation and includes a series of tables you can use to help you track the nature of participation in the programmes in which you are involved.


A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation. Booklet 4

The toolkit provides a conceptual framework for measuring children’s participation, together with guidance on how to undertake monitoring and evaluation and practical tools that can help you gather the information you need. It can be used by organizations working directly with children, by child- and youth-led organizations, and by governments that are committed to fulfilling their obligations to respect children’s right to participate.


A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation. Booklet 5

This booklet provides a range of tools that you can use with different stakeholders, especially children and young people, to gather and analyse information to monitor and evaluate the scope (pages 21–34), quality (pages 35–40) and outcomes (pages 41–57) of children’s participation. It introduces some core M&E tools such as interviews, focus group discussions, observation, surveys, and stories of most significant change.
