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Introduction to Save the Children in Mongolia

This is a summary of programs and projects implemented by Save the Children in Mongolia as of 2021


Inclusive Education Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan expands to 16 schools in Mongolia

On March 15, 2022, the Embassy of Japan in Mongolia signed an agreement to fund the project ‘Promoting Inclusive Education for Every Last Child in Mongolia-2’ for the second year.


Baseline survey report for ‘Entrepreneurship-Focused Socioemotional Skills for The Most Vulnerable Youth in Rural Mongolia’ project

The baseline survey for the ‘Entrepreneurship-focused socioemotional skills for the most vulnerable youth in rural Mongolia’ project was conducted to assess the current situation of the project objectives and to provide data that will form the basis of the project evaluation at its end.


Baseline Survey Report - "Promoting inclusive education through primary and lower-secondary education 2"

In this survey report, the baseline data was processed for the project “Promoting inclusive education throughout primary and lower-secondary education” which is being implemented by the Save the Children Japan, Mongolia Programme starting from March 2021.


Project Evaluation Report - “Promoting Inclusive Education for Every Last Child in Mongolia”

The evaluation assesses the effectiveness of project activities to promote inclusive education.



Save the Children in Mongolia introduced its annual report of 2020.
